Copia Automation now offers automatic backup capabilities for Siemens Step7 TIA Portal projects through DeviceLink™.
Single and multi-station projects, v15.1 through v18, are supported.
With DeviceLink, control teams can easily back up their PLCs, robotics, network switches, and other control devices either on a defined schedule or on demand. Once initialized, DeviceLink continuously monitors the devices for changes and records all updates. Using Copia's Git-based source control, users can view the changes between versions and merge device-level edits into development branches to ensure they are incorporated into future code releases.
DeviceLink directly supports Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Beckhoff, CODESYS, and Fanuc devices. Additionally, it can utilize FTP and custom scripting to provide comprehensive backup for the factory floor. For more information on Copia Automation's DeviceLink, please click here.