The Cybersecurity Threat to Industrial Operations

Published on
July 30, 2024

This is part 2 of 5 in our Decoding the State of Industrial DevOps blog series.

The digital age has ushered in unprecedented connectivity, but it has also exposed industrial operations to a new breed of threats: cyber security breaches. Our research reveals that a staggering 47% of unintended downtime in industrial and distribution operations is caused by these breaches.

Imagine a hacker infiltrating your systems, shutting down production, and holding your data hostage. The consequences can be devastating. In fact, a recent study by IBM found that the average cost of a data breach in the industrial sector is a staggering $4.73 million.

Industrial DevOps offers a proactive approach to cybersecurity. By implementing robust code management practices, version control, and automated testing, you can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. This is especially crucial in today's landscape, where attacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent.

In our next webinar, "7 Steps to a Successful Industrial DevOps Adoption" (register now:, we'll provide a roadmap for adopting industrial code best practices through Industrial DevOps. But first, in our next post, we'll discuss the prevalence of ad-hoc fixes and how they can contribute to a cascade of downtime events.

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