The Hidden Dangers of Ad-Hoc Fixes

Published on
August 6, 2024

This is part 3 of 5 in our Decoding the State of Industrial DevOps blog series.

In the high-pressure environment of industrial operations, quick fixes often seem like the most efficient solution to get production lines back up and running. However, our report (download your copy here: reveals that these ad-hoc fixes can create a dangerous ripple effect, leading to further downtime incidents.

Consider a scenario where a machine malfunctions. A technician, under pressure to minimize downtime because of the high cost it brings, implements a quick fix without proper documentation or testing. This seemingly minor change can trigger unforeseen issues in other parts of the system, resulting in another breakdown. This cycle can repeat itself, creating a cascade of downtime events that can be costly and difficult to resolve.

Copia’s recent study in collaboration with Sapio Research, found that unplanned downtime costs large industrial manufacturers and distribution organizations an average of $4.2M per hour. This figure underscores the importance of addressing the root cause of problems rather than resorting to temporary fixes.

Industrial DevOps provides a structured framework for managing changes, ensuring that fixes are thoroughly tested and documented before implementation. This proactive approach can prevent the domino effect of ad-hoc fixes and ensure the stability and reliability of your industrial systems.

In our upcoming webinar, "7 Steps to a Successful Industrial DevOps Adoption," we'll delve into how you can implement a robust change management process to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.

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