The increasing interconnectivity of Operational Technology (OT) environments and their Information Technology (IT) counterparts, driven by Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), has brought forth significant opportunities for industrial enterprises to optimize processes, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge. However, this convergence has also exposed these environments to a broader range of cyber threats, making robust cybersecurity measures imperative. The practice of Industrial DevOps, which applies lean, agile, and DevOps principles to industrial operations, has emerged as a key strategy to manage this convergence effectively, ensuring both operational efficiency and cyber secure practices. Explore the challenges associated with the IT/OT convergence, the role of Industrial DevOps in addressing them, and the transformative impact it can have on industrial operations, drawing insights from a ecent webinar featuring experts from Copia Automation and Claroty.
What you'll learn:
The Challenges of IT/OT Convergence
Claroty's Approach to Cybersecurity
The importance of Industrial DevOps in Cyber Security